Breakfast Club
Thorpe School's Breakfast Club aims to provide high quality, affordable and accessible childcare for children aged 3 to 11, in a safe and supportive environment.
A Breakfast Club is a great way to start the day! Children at Thorpe Breakfast Club are provided with a healthy breakfast in a relaxed atmosphere, with an opportunity to meet friends and play games under supervision from qualified members of the school staff.
Where possible Breakfast Club sessions should be pre-booked and prepaid for on ParentPay, but it is possible to 'drop-in' on an adhoc basis and payment to be made on ParentPay
We are offer a wide choice of breakfast for the children from our school kitchen; they have a choice of cereal, toast or yoghurt with a drink of orange or milk. We will also add in some variety, by bringing in crumpets, or muffins or croissants on a rotational basis and also doing themed breakfasts, keep a check on the screens around schools to see what the theme is for the week.
The children are offered a choice of activities for the duration of the club. They could enjoy board games or colouring, take an opportunity to read if they need to catch up on their reading nights or use the time to access support for homework.
The cost of the breakfast club is £1.50 per child per session. Parents are able to pay on the Parentpay system; if you have not already registered, please contact the office for an activation code.
A range of free After School Activity clubs operate on a termly basis. These usually run for one hour after the end of the school day.
A brochure is sent out at the start of each term to provide information about what clubs are on offer - these have limited spaces so, if your child would like to join one, please follow the link sent out in the brochure