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The King's Coronation

Wonderful mural created by Thorpe school and Nursery 

The King’s Coronation was celebrated throughout the school on Friday and the children came to school dressed in red, white and blue. Whilst the weather was not favourable for our picnic lunch, the children lined the corridors and the celebration continued inside. 

Each class represented a country from the Commonwealth and made flags which all children took to assembly to show their peers. Crowns, orbs, sceptres and letters to Kings Charles were just some of the work the children at Thorpe produced to commemorate this special occasion. 


Over the past week all the children have been working together to create a mural, each class were given an A3 piece of paper and collectively all the A3 pieces of paper were joined together to create this wonderful mural. This was created in a short space of time, and we are delighted with the outcome and this is now displayed proudly in our school.