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Giant book hunt supported by The National Literacy Trust

National Literacy Trust supports Thorpe with Book Hunt

20 books were hidden on the school grounds and around the local area covering Atherstone Avenue, Ledbury Road and Breamore Gardens. Clues were set up on screens around school and given to the children as they finished school. Then the hunt was on! Parents and children alike delighted in trying to work out where the books could be and looked so pleased once they had found them!

Staff enjoyed the buzz from the children around school, Mrs Greening commented: "The book hunt has got the children so excited about reading, it's lovely to see."

Mrs Catley, who helped organise the hunt with her co-Reading Lead Miss Bothwell said: "It was wonderful to see the children and parents getting involved together to 'look for a book'. Reading for pleasure is something we promote to our children, so that they see it as enjoyable, rather than something they have to do. I definitely think we will do a book hunt again, as the feedback from the children has been overwhelmingly positive!"