At Thorpe Primary School, our History provision aims to develop our pupils’ natural curiosity about Britain’s past and that of the wider world, allowing them the opportunity to think critically about historical events and contextually develop a broader perspective and understanding. Making historic links to local history. We aim to engage the children by exposing them to a range of time periods throughout history, for them to gain an understanding of a variety of historical concepts and processes. By providing this exposure to appropriate and accurate historical enquiry through quality teaching and supporting this using a range of sources (both primary and secondary), trips, visits, visitors with subject specific knowledge and themed days, we aim to cultivate our pupils’ critical and evaluative skills for them to challenge their own as well as other’s views and preconceptions. Thoughtful discussion, questioning and analysis are all encouraged when approaching a new topic/theme, in hopes that this will equip our pupils with the ability to identify patterns and themes throughout history as well as providing them with the ability to link these to the challenges of their own time.
Please read the History Curriculum Statement of Intent document below for further information.